Introduction to project Green Hills in Egypt.
Project Green Hill is a Green and sustainable Agro-Industrial Project using the most modern agricultural methods to produce crops which will be used by unique industrial technologies to produce human and animal food products. The industrial technologies will produce the energies required by the project using waste biomass from the agricultural crops. The project objectives are to grow Sweet Sorghum, Alfalfa and Soya beans on ~36,000 Feddan of irrigated land west of Cairo. The juice from the sweet sorghum will be used to make food grade syrup. Alfalfa and Soya beans are grown for the animal feed markets in the Middle East. The field trash and bagasse from sweet sorghum will be made into animal feed products (baled hay, pelletized feed and ensilages sweet sorghum bagasse). Sufficient biomass will be grown or salvaged from farming operations which will be used to produce electric power and diesel fuel. The electric energy required by the industrial plants will be produced using waste biomass in a gasifier plant. The gasifier plant heats up the biomass to a critical temperature in an atmosphere lacking oxygen which produces a synthetic gas. This synthetic gas will be cooled and cleaned of impurities like tar and then delivered to gas generator sets which produce the electric power. A typical gasifier power plant looks like this.
Project Green Hill requires and investment of €300,000,000 and has an estimated annual income of $180,000,000US.
A total of over 800 permanent year round industrial jobs are created.
The Goals of the project is to meet the Egypt 20/30 Vision.